Thursday, October 18, 2012


So today was a BIG day in the Skibbens' house! Luke said bye bye to his paci's and through them in the garbage, we told him the paci fairy was going to come and give them to little babies that needed them, and since he was a big boy now, he doesn't need them anymore! We celebrated with pizza and cupcakes with Grammy and Grampy! It was so cute! We were cheering him on and clapping when he threw them out, he was so excited! It was hilarious. Jared put him to bed and he asked a few times for it, but Jared explained that we gave them up tonight for the babies and he didn't ask anymore and went to bed. So for the first night, things went well...let's HOPE it continues that way!


Putting the paci's in the garbage :)

He was so was so funny!!

Giving Grammy knuckles! He was running around giving us high 5's and knuckles. Such a nut!

I love this picture of Luke reading with daddy! He loves this book! I love that he can tell you what's going to happen through parts of his favorite books now. Such a cutie patootie! 

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Time for cereal!

Today I tried rice cereal with Noah for the first time. He wasn't too sure about it. He kept looking at me like,  lady, what are you putting in my mouth! Love this boy! We will have to try again! I started making and freezing some food for him, I can't wait to try those. But for now...we will stick with boring old rice cereal and breast milk! :)

Sunday, October 14, 2012

NOAH-5 Months old

 I can't believe Noah is 5 months old! Well, he was 5 months on 10/4/12, I'm posting a little late. He is my little happy pants! He has decided for the last month or so that he wants to wake up all night long! Yuck, where did my great sleeper go? I have to remind myself that this too shall pass ALL night long!
 He rolls all over, but has been doing that for a while now. He loves to sit up (with my help or the Bumbo) and see everything!
And he loves his jumpers, and of course adores his big brother! I can tell he already looks up to his big brother. he watches everything he does, and is always smiling and laughing at everything everything he does. I love watching my boys growing up!