Wednesday, March 9, 2011

6 months old...SERIOUSLY!!??

I am so amazed that the last 6 months have flown by like they have. I know the next 6 months will probably fly by even faster since we are coming into spring, summer and fall...those seasons go by WAY too fast!

So Luke has his appointment tomorrow, we will see how fast he is growing. My guess is about 17 lbs and 29 inches long. We will see tomorrow!

He tries to hold himself up now, but he can't quite do it yet.
He loves to walk with daddy's help. I LOVE this picture!
Just cute. That's all.
He is now rolling all over the place...and his new favorite trick is to put his own pacifier in his mouth. He saw it and rolled over to grab it
He got it
And put it in his mouth all by himself. What a big boy now!
He loves to show off his moves, pulling his paci out and putting it back in...over and over. And he is getting close to sitting on his own! He just needs better balance. He topples over.
Luke LOOOVES the dogs...and they are so good with him. It is so sweet the love they have for each other!
Luke's new thing when he is eating is to stick his fingers in his mouth after EVERY makes such a mess. =)


  1. Well mommy was TOTALLY wrong!! I forgot how long he was the last appointment...I should have looked at that first =) He was 26 inches long and only 15 1/2 lbs. I was a little worried because since his 4 month appointment he has only gained about 1 lb. But the doctor says it's totally normal. He went from being in the 50th percentile to about 20th or lower. Hopefully this isn't going to be a trend. But either way, he is a healthy, happy boy! LOVE HIM!

  2. Luke is adorable!! I can not believe it has been 6 month and I have not even met the little guy!! He is too cute, way to go Mama!

  3. Thanks Steph! I want to have a game night one of these days and have some people over, so I will let you know when we come up with some dates! Or we need to have a girls night one of these days with Crystal, Corey and Sara, have dinner and see a movie or something =)

  4. Such beautiful pictures, Jacqui, I love the one of Jared and Luke walking.
