Tuesday, November 9, 2010

2 months old today!!

Luke is 2 months old already today!! I just can't believe it! Time is flying by so fast! Everyone told me that would happen, and here we are 2 months later and it seems like I just blinked. I am trying to enjoy every second of this little man because before I know it he is going to be a teenager and want nothing to do with his mommy, so for now he is getting as many kisses, hugs, I love you's and snuggles, some nights I just don't want to let him go.

This morning Luke woke up in a great mood and we took some pictures of  him and his sweet little smile for mommy =)

I love his face in the bottom picture! He is such a little character!

He is such a sweet happy boy!!

We went for his 2 month check up today too, and he weighed in a t 12 lbs 8oz and was 24 inches long! What a big boy! He has almost gained 5 lbs since he was born at 7lb 12oz and he was 19.5 inches long. He is growing so fast!

He had to get some shots and did NOT like that at all. He calmed down pretty fast after he first got the shots, but about an hour later he was upset and so we gave him a little tylenol and then I let him take a nap with mommy, after we woke up and he ate he started getting pretty upset again and cried A LOT, he was very fussy and just kept crying. He calmed down a little after we gave him a little more tylenol and then he ate and now he is asleep. My poor sweet boy had a hard day, it was probably harder for mommy though. I wanted to cry when he got the shots and when he wouldn't stop crying at home it was breaking my heart! My poor sweet Luke!


  1. So weird, I totally thought I posted a comment here this morning...maybe I didn't hit the post button?

    Anyhoo, I just wanted to send you a little encouragement about the teen years. I think teenagers still need and want their mommas, if not more! It is a bigger challenge to get the hugs, kisses, and snuggle but mostly that's just in front of people. I know what you mean though, boy do I!! Gosh I miss my big babies as little babies! Teens are super fun though, I'm loving it. It's bittersweet though, it just goes by soooooooooooo fast. I *hate* that part.

    You're such a good mommy, Jacqui! Luke is so blessed to have you. I remember crying when Emily got her first shots, it was SO hard for me to watch her cry. Poor little Lukey, at least he has such a good mommy to nurse him back to feeling better.

  2. Remy was grumpy after his two mo. shots too, but he did MUCH better at four months. :)

    Super cute pics, love his smile!

  3. Aww, he's SO CUTE Jacqui!!! He is seriously adorable!!! I don't know how you and Kim don't squish these babies hugging them so tight! Happy 2 month birthday Luke! I can't believe how fast it's going too. Time just flies by!
